how it works
How our mobile therapy services work
How our mobile therapy services work
Our mobile therapy services are available to Tasmanians living within a 20km radius of Hobart. Our vision is to continue to increase accessibility to Tasmanians who require massage and other therapies from the comfort of their own home. Travelling can be difficult and cause undue pain and challenges for people struggling with symptoms like fatigue and mobility issues. Our services provide relief and also convenience which anyone can enjoy.
Meet Hayley
Hayley has been providing massage therapy to clients for over 6 years. My background is in Remedial Massage Therapy which I completed at Island Health College in Hobart. My interests are in helping people with chronic pain and neck dysfunctions with education on the mind and body connection. I have completed Level 1 CranioSacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute as well as completed a Certificate of Pregnancy Massage with Pregnancy Massage Australia.
I started delivering mobile aged care massage in 2017 and in 2019 when I noticed a great demand for my services, I created Hobart Aged Care Massage, which has now transformed into Mobile Therapy Tasmania.
My vision is to provide more mobile therapeutic services to Tasmanians and along with physical massage benefits, also focus on the mental health benefits that come with human interaction.
“Thanks for considering a mobile massage with Mobile Therapy Tasmania. Our client’s comfort and experience is our top focus”
Hayley Allison Mobile Therapy Tasmania Owner

Why Mobile Massage?

Treatment from the comfort of your home
Who doesn’t love the idea of waking up slowly and easing into the day knowing a massage therapist will be visiting soon? The comfort of your own home or a space you’re familiar with is the perfect place to unwind and relax with a massage. Convenience, comfort and relaxation in one mobile service.

Enjoy the gift of relaxation and time out – indoors or outdoors
Tension release has many health benefits, both physical and mental. We can set you up indoors our outdoors if your space is suitable and the weather is kind. We invite you to zone out completely and enjoy your therapeutic session and aim to ensure you feel lighter and more relaxed after your session.

Aged care massage specialists
We have many years experience delivering aged care massages in Tasmania. We make a point of finding out our clients specific needs and any health challanges and modify each massage to provide the safest, most effective treatment. We can coordinate massages for our more senior clients personally or through a carer if preferred.